Andrew Boyle Podiatry

Prices of podiatry services

Podiatry services and prices

The prices for the podiatry services we offer appear below. The prices are the same at Healthpoint Ainsdale, Formby and Maghull.

Initial appointment £45

Your personal details will be noted and a treatment record created. Your feet will be examined, your footcare needs assessed and the necessary treatment explained to you. With your consent you will then be treated.

Follow up appointment £34

This appointment is for registered patients who return periodically for the on-going care of their feet. Commonly for nail care, or the removal of corns and calluses.
Please note: If you have not attended for over 7 years, you will need to be re-assessed as a new patient.

Dressing appointment £17

Sometimes it is necessary to provide more intensive care to a specific problem, for example, to redress a toe that has an infection. A shorter appointment is needed as a full treatment is not given.

Shockwave Therapy  Course of three sessions £180 or £65 per session pay as you go
Shockwave is useful in the management of chronic plantarfasciitis, achilles tendinitis and heel spurs. More information can be found on our Shockwave website by clicking HERE

Verruca treatment £17

After their initial appointment, patients with verrucae who wish to be treated are often seen weekly. Not all patients are suitable for aggressive verruca treatment. Failure to resolve verrucae is common, although some may resolve without treatment.

Biomechanical assessment £34

This is an examination to asses how the lower limb functions, to check alignment and ranges of mobility. Based on this examination it may be determined that by use of orthotics, and/or exercises, that your symptoms could be reduced by slightly adjusting your gait.

Orthotics from £85

These are specially prescribed insoles placed in your footwear that support, realign or reduce pressure. Sometimes a combination of these effects. A biomechanical assessment is required before prescribing orthotics.

Nail surgery from £300

This is a minor surgical procedure carried out under local anaesthesia. It is used to treat ingrowing or misshaped nails that are causing pain and are not able to be resolved by routine care. Patients are assessed and advised what method of treatment is best suited for them. Following the removal of part, or all of the nail, phenol or sodium hydroxide is used to prevent the nail regrowing. It is a very successful, well tolerated procedure. The fee includes the surgery and all the dressing appointments necessary as the small wounds heal. It is not usual to need to take time off work or school for this procedure to be done.

If you are unable to attend your appointment 24 hours notice is required otherwise you maybe charged up to the full price of your appointment.

Our contact numbers can be found here.

We also have a range of other therapies on offer at our Healthpoint premises in Ainsdale, Formby and Maghull.

To visit the Healthpoint website click here.